Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

[Lowongan-Malang] Vacancy - GM HR Planning & Development


Our Client,  www.bsi.co.id , an IT solution provider founded in 1996 in Jakarta, and also  one of the subsidiaries of Mitsubishi Corporation, is seeking people to fill in position with following experiences and skills :



GM  HR  Planning & Development            ( GM HR PD – BSI )


Job Scope :

·         Highly experience in HR Management and the role will incorporate strategic and policy development & implementation aspects.

·         Provide professional HR advice to staff, line managers and HR Business Partners on all matters concerning compensation structures, benefits, benchmarking and rewards.

·         Emphasis on developing a strong partnership with the business to lead initiatives that build/develop outstanding employee capabilities.

·         Manage the succession planning and talent management processes, administer the performance management process.


Qualification :

·         Age between 40-45 years old.

·         Bachelor / Master Degree from reputable University.

·         10 years experience in similar position.

·         Excellent knowledge in Organizational Development, CBHRM,  Talent Management, HR Procedures & Processes, Performance Appraisal, Indonesian Labor Laws & Regulation, Industrial Relation.

·         Dynamic, Result oriented, Mature.

·         Possess strong leadership and capable of achieving goals set by higher Management

·         Excellent interpersonal and communication skill

·         Fluent in English, Competent in Microsoft-Office and HR Applications



Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph to :   resume@sintesa-resourcing.com



Please put the position applied  GM HR PD - BSI on the subject line.  Only short listed candidates will be notified.

If you wish to view  our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list & visit our website at www.sintesa-resourcing.com


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Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

[Lowongan-Malang] lowongan jadi private english teacher


Hi my friends,
Bagi yang belum dapat kerja, ato bagi Anda yang sudah bekerja tapi ingin penghasilan tambahan, ini ada lowongan kerja keren nih. Sebagai Private English Teacher. Saya nemukan situsnya di sains-cec.blogspot.com

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Children English Course (CEC) adalah sebuah lembaga pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak untuk level Taman Kanak-kanak (TK) sampai Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). CEC berada di bawah naungan sebuah institusi yang bernama Insan Robbani Institute (SAINS) yang bergerak dalam tiga bidang; Learning (pembelajaran), Training (pelatihan), dan Translating (penerjemahan).

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jumlah siswa yang terus meningkat dan tuntutan dari para orang tua siswa yang menginginkan anaknya untuk mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik, maka dengan ini CEC membuka kesempatan bagi Anda semua untuk menjadi "PRIVATE ENGLISH TEACHER". Bagi yang berminat silakan segera mengirimkan lamarannya. Syarat-syaratnya sbb:

Mahasiswa/alumni (semua disiplin ilmu/jurusan). Jurusan pendidikan/bahasa/sastra Inggris lebih diutamakan.
Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik.
Tinggal di kota/kabupaten Malang.
Menyukai dunia anak-anak (TK-SMA).
Memiliki teknik pengajaran bahasa Inggris yang menarik dan menyenangkan.
Mampu mengajarkan materi-materi bahasa Inggris seperti: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Questions Solving, Dialogue, Delivering a Speech, Games, Singing, etc.
Menyertakan surat lamaran.
CV lengkap (cantumkan nama lengkap, nomor HP/Telp., nomor rekening, nama Bank, dan nomor KTP).
Foto diri.
Punya komitmen tinggi dan amanah.
File-file pendukung lainnya.
Kirimkan ke learning-sains@gmail.com
Lowongan ini ditutup sewaktu-waktu ketika jumlah guru sudah memenuhi kebutuhan jumlah siswa.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

HRD Manager
Insan Robbani Institute (SAINS)

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[Lowongan-Malang] lowongan penerjemah


Hi my friends,
Bagi yang belum dapat kerja, ato bagi yang sudah bekerja tapi ingin penghasilan tambahan, ini ada lowongan kerja keren nih. Kerjanya on-line. Saya nemukan situsnya di sains-translation.blogspot.com

Coba browsing aja ya and kabarin ke temen2 ya.

Dibutuhkan "PENERJEMAH" segera.
Syarat-syaratnya sbb:

Mahasiswa/alumni (semua disiplin ilmu/jurusan).
Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik.
Mampu menerjemahkan Inggris-Indonesia dan Indonesia-Inggris.
Menyertakan surat lamaran.
CV lengkap (cantumkan nama lengkap, nomor HP/Telp., nomor rekening, nama Bank, dan nomor KTP).
Foto diri.
Punya komitmen tinggi.
Mampu bekerja dalam deadline.
Contoh karya hasil terjemahan Anda (jika ada).
File-file pendukung lainnya.
Kirimkan ke translation.sains@gmail.com dalam bentuk attachment file.

HRD Manager
Insan Robbani Institute (SAINS)

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Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

[Lowongan-Malang] Export Import Officer, Malang ,Surabaya


Our client Multinational manufacturer (must hv experiences),Urgently requires

Import Export Officer, Malang


Marketing , jkt

send cv max 200 kb ,(info@marksview-id.com)

fluent English

Potential candidates will need to show evidence of the following:

  • the ability to work logically and systematically, with good time management;
  • problem-solving skills and the ability to think laterally whilst offering creative solutions;
  • the ability to work with people at different levels;
  • flexibility and the ability to manage change;
  • strong interpersonal skills;
  • excellent communication skills;
  • negotiation skills;
  • the ability to work well as part of a team;
  • a positive attitude to continued learning.


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[Lowongan-Malang] Various Vacancies - in Bajaj Auto Indonesia


Our Client, Bajaj Auto Indonesia, (www.bajajauto.com). The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in India. Its footprint stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers), home appliances, lighting, iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance. The group's flagship company, Bajaj Auto, is ranked as the world's fourth largest two- and three- wheeler manufacturer and the Bajaj brand is well-known across several countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South and South East Asia.  Currently, is seeking for the following positions:



1.  Area Sales Manager – North Sumatra Area, Aceh, Riau, Padang         (ASM NS – BAI)


2.  Direct Dealers Manager - North Sumatra Area; Aceh, Riau, Padang   (DDM NS – BAI)

3.  Direct Dealers Manager - South Sumatra Area, Jambi, Palembang, Lampung, Bengkulu   (DDM SS – BAI)


4.  Area Service Manager  - Jabodetabek      (ASvcM  Jabodetabek – BAI)


5.  Brand Manager                      (BM – BAI)


6.  Assembly Engineer                (AssEng – BAI)


7.  Finance & Accounting Manager      (FAM – BAI)



·         Male/ Female

·         Age: 30 – 37 years old

·         Graduate from Reputable University, with preference in the following subject:

o   Mechanical Engineering/ Technical Engineering (1,2,3,4,6)

o   Marketing/ Management (5) – preferable hold Master in Marketing Management

o   Accounting (7)

·         Good English communication (written / spoken)

·         Good Computer literature (min MS Office, Power Point)

·         High Enthusiasm

·         Creative Thinking

·         Willingness to Growth

·         Like to travel across the country (1,2,3,4,5)



·         5 years in the same position (or at least assistant of the existing incumbent); in Automotive sector (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), Manufacturing and FMCG (7)

·         Experience in automotive assembly process, line balancing, TPM, QC, Engine assembly will become an advantage (6)

·         SAP experience and understanding of IRFS will become an advantage (7)

·         Experience in Developing Brand Image/ Awareness, Launching New Products will become an advantage (5)



Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph via email to :    automotive@sintesa-resourcing.com



Please put the position applied   ASM NS – BAI / DDM NS – BAI / DDM SS – BAI / ASvcM Jabotabek – BAI / BM – BAI / AssEng – BAI / FAM - BAI   on the subject line.  Only short listed candidates will be notified.


If you wish to view our client vacancy, kindly visit our website & join our mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing.com


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Senin, 10 Mei 2010

[Lowongan-Malang] Message Alert - You Have 1 Important Unread Message!


Message Alert - You Have 1 Important Unread Message!

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Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

[Lowongan-Malang] Di sini anda Pasti di Bayar $10-$15 per job


Bisnis ini beda dengan yang lain,
Anda kerjakan job-jobnya, buat laporannya
Anda sudah dibayar $10-$15 per jobnya.
Penasaran kan?
Langsung aja ke http://www.gogonai.info/?id=chayli

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[Lowongan-Malang] Get a FREE Website


Get a FREE Website
Pick from 2,000 professional-designed websites, and publish your site to the web

Click here : http://imwebsite123.blogspot.com/

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